How To Use

Staking WSX for stWSX

Staking it on LiquiStake

Accessing the Staking Feature

  1. Connect Your Wallet:
    • Ensure you are on the "Stake" tab and click on 'Connect Wallet' and select your wallet provider. Stake - Connecting Wallet

Initiating Staking

  1. Enter Staking Amount:

    • Input the amount of WSX you wish to stake. In this example, we will be staking 100 WSX tokens. Stake - Ammount
  2. Confirm Staking Transaction:

    • Adjust the necessary allowances in your wallet and change the allowance approval amount. Stake - adjust allowance
    • Review the transaction details, confirm, and execute the transaction to initiate the deposit process. Stake - Confirming

Verifying Staking Success

  1. Check stWSX Balance:
    • After confirmation and execution, your updated stWSX balance will be reflected in your wallet, representing your staked WSX. Additionally, users should see a deposit confirmation. Stake Deposit Completed

    • Add the stWSX token into your wallet to see the balance in your wallet.

      • Mainnet Address: 0x62CD71c92661Fc2FF9983ad0c1Cb887BcC69b2E0
      • Testnet Address: 0xc14b2aA797e715ed5e3993fCe7C9D3C7a0211a2D
LiquiStake and stWSX